Saturday, 28 September 2013

7 Quick Takes - THESIS MADNESS - Vol. 14

--- 1 ---
So on Saturday past, with David in the midst of Thesis Madness, the kiddies and I took the train up to Peterborough to see our friend Pippa who was on her way south from Aberdeen. She always makes a point of detouring out our way if she can, and the Peterborough train station happened to be a stop on her journey this time. We had a lovely visit and the timing was perfect, because I’d been thinking a lot of our journey up to Aberdeen at this time last year:

somewhere in Scotland -- Walter's first train journey

my seasoned traveler
 --- 2 ---
Life here mostly consists of Thesis Madness. Every day is full of highs, lows, and lots of stress. So, pray for us.
--- 3 ---
I ordered some clothes for the kids last week and was all set to write about how much I love online shopping. But that was a week ago, and it wasn’t until 3am last night that I got the “your order has shipped” email. Not cool, Vertbaudet, not cool. I like their clothing but definitely not their “order to shipping” speed – the same thing happened in July when my brother ordered something from them for Walter’s birthday. So I guess I could revise this to “I love online shopping when it’s Amazon or some place similar that actually manage to ship the order a day or two after I place it”, but that seems a bit wordy.

--- 4 ---
Did I mention Thesis Madness? Oh yeah? PRAY FOR US.

--- 5 ---
Walter is definitely entering toddler-hood, which means really adorable and more grownup behavior interspersed with tantrums. So far we’ve avoided the full on classic tantrum, but I get my fair share of loud scream-crying & growling, with the occasional foot stomp, on a daily basis. Aside from the deafening noise, my biggest problem with them is that I cannot keep a straight face and it is so hard to keep from dissolving into laughter. We’ve been sending him for quiet time in his crib when he can’t control his temper, and that’s been working, but man that kid can scream.

--- 6 ---
Between my introvert personality & years of torment at the hands of elementary & junior high school children, I tend to second guess whether or not people like me. Generally I err on the side of caution, and assume that they don’t, so then I get a pleasant surprise when they do (logic!). Thus imagine my delight when our local parish priest recognised me when I was walking with the kids today. Recognised, said hi, and made small talk! We’ve only been going to Mass there for five months and we’re not involved in anything so it was a great boost to my day. We haven’t frightened off our priest!

--- 7 ---
You know, just in case I haven’t made it clear – Thesis Madness. Pray for Us. Please.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

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